It’s been nearly two years since I’ve posted on this site. Why? Over ambition.
Originally, way wayyyy back in the summer of 2011, I
had grand plans to blog, continue grad school, teach college classes, and
finish my master’s thesis. And all with time to spare!
Well, something had to give. Fortunately, it was Intrinsic Gratification.

When I started blogging, I’d been discussing
philosophy with a good friend for years, and we always wanted to spread the
conversation online. But we ran into the same questions. What would we be
adding? What would we say that hasn’t already been said?
I plowed ahead anyway. I always loved reviewing
movies, books, and music. Couple this with a passion for politics and religion,
and a craving to get everyone to “see the light”—whatever the hell that meant—and
you get a young man with serious intentions that burns himself out too quickly.
Three months after starting the blog, I simply gave up and said, “Who gives two
shits what I think?” It was a real concern. I guess you could call it a cop out.
This time, I’m blogging for fun. Sure, I want to
spread intellectual discussion online. I’m still addicted to art, ideas, and “investigations
of a spiritual variety.” But I’m not coming at it with an ideological plan of
attack. I’m doing it for me. If you want to join, please do. I appreciate the
feedback and love the conversation. All is intrinsically gratifying (duh-dum-tish). And…go.
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